
Academic Flexibilities

The admission policy and the educational process at IcfaiTech allow several academic flexibilities. Wherever flexibility is possible according to the Academic Regulations of the Institute, the implementation of the decision invariably takes place along with registration at the beginning of a semester for the continuing students. As in the admission process, the decision is guided by the principle of merit, preferences and facilities available. We list below the academic flexibilities that the students are entitled to in IcfaiTech.


Program Transfer (Within the same tier)

It is possible for a student to seek transfer from one program to another in the middle of a program without starting from the beginning. This is possible because he/she is given credit for what he/she has done till then towards the requirements of the program to which he/she seeks the transfer. For details please refer Student Handbook. Since admission to a program is done on assigned and competitive basis, there cannot be any scope of undoing the fact of an assigned admission through transfer. Thus only exceptionally meritorious students in a limited number of cases can expect to compete for transfer to a more sought-after program. On the other hand, transfer to a less sought-after program for a student who is unable to cope with the rigours of the program in which he/she has been admitted would be readily used to rehabilitate him/her without much loss of time. In any event, transfer must be treated as an admission process. Read More

Dual Degree Programs

IcfaiTech offers a host of dual degree possibilities for the students. The dual degree program in Basic Sciences and Engineering is an innovative program being offered for the first time in India. The student is presented with a unique opportunity to earn an engineering degree by spending two extra years after the regular B.Sc term of three years. The student also has the choice of opting out of the dual degree program at the end of the second year and can exit after three years by earning a B.Sc degree. This dual degree Academic Flexibilities will also enable hitherto neglected basic sciences students to bounce back and will create a balance in the science and engineering education scenario in the country. The other possibility that exists in IcfaiTech is that of a dual degree in engineering programs. That is, the student can earn two B.Tech degrees in 5 years. This is possible since the curriculum for the first two years of all the integrated first degree programs is same. The number of such seats are limited. Read More

Individual Centric Timetable and Choice of Instructors

IcfaiTech has been a pioneer in introducing innovative academic practices in the country. One such innovative practice that has existed since IcfaiTech’s inception in 2002 is that of individualised time table. In most of the academic institutions the time table for the students is fixed by the administration and the students have to follow it. In IcfaiTech the students can decide their own time table. This works in the following manner. Consider a course X which is a common course, i.e. it is a course that is taught to students of all the branches of engineering. Usually the first two years of all the integrated first degree programs at IcfaiTech consist of common courses. The student strength is broken up into several sections. Each section is handled by a different instructor. This is called the team of instructors for the common course X. This team of instructors is decided upon by the institution and declared at the time of registration. The student can then choose which instructor’s classes, for the common course X, he/she wants to attend. Similarly instructors are declared for other common courses and the student can choose. This process creates a unique individualistic time table for the student. Read More

Choice Based Credit System

IcfaiTech was one of the earliest engineering institutions to adopt and implement the choice based credit system in the country. The students are given the choice of choosing what courses they would like to study. The courses are offered in the form of electives. The students can choose electives which are interdisciplinary and need not be the electives of their own program. For example a student of Computer Science can choose an elective that is offered in Electrical and Communications 14 IcfaiTech ViewBook 2020 Engineering or for that matter Data Science or Mechatronics. This choice of electives is possible as long as the student satisfies the appropriate prerequisite conditions if any, for that course. Read More

Audit Courses

There are certain courses amongst the offering of the University which are neither part of programs nor are available through electives. Any student who wish to pursue such courses can do so on audit basis on payment of additional fee. The facility of pursuing a course on audit is principally conceived to give an opportunity to a student to update his/her knowledge. Read More

Optional Electives

Apart from the prescribed number of electives as a part of the curriculum, IcfaiTech also allows students to register for up to four additional electives. These electives chosen can be such that they enable the students to gain additional knowledge in a specialized subject over and above the electives that they have chosen. These optional Electives are not a part of courses required for graduation. Read More

Departure From Normal Pace

The academic structure followed at IcfaiTech enables a student to deviate from the normal pace of the program into which they have been admitted. That is the tenure of the student at the Institute may be reduced or increased depending on the academics student. For further details and exact mechanism of this process, please refer the Student Handbook. Read More

Other Flexibilities

The structure of degree programs and the academic regulations, provided in the Student Handbook, also specify certain other flexibilities like repetition of courses, withdrawal from or substitution of course(s), etc.