
Selected full-length papers will be considered for publication in the regular/ special issues of the Journals (ABDC, Scopus, UGC-Care) and a Book (with ISBN). Structured abstracts of the papers selected for presentation will be published in the conference proceedings.

Conference Journals

    • Special Issue of IUP Journal of Corporate Governance (ABDC-C)
    • Special Issue of IUP Journal of Marketing Management (UGC-Care)
    • Case Folio - The IUP Journal of Management Case Studies (UGC Care)
    • selected papers will be recommended to the Editor-in-chief of
      1. JOSM (Journal of Service Management, ABDC-A)
      2. Micro & Macro Marketing (Scopus).
      3. Review of Marketing Science (Scopus)
      Such papers will go through the standard process of the journal.

A few more special issues of the Scopus-indexed journal are under process and may be updated on the conference website soon.

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