Research & Publications
- Faculty in the business school engage in research and publish in high-quality journals. In addition to demonstrating excellence in teaching, faculty are encouraged to pursue joint and interdisciplinary research by collaborating with peers within the University's constituent units and other institutions in India and abroad.
- The increasing competition among business schools in India, the availability of faculty with strong research and publication credentials, and the stringent journal article review process are critical factors influencing the overall quality and quantity of publications. The school recognizes these challenges and has outlined a roadmap to elevate its publication success to the next level.

Case Research Center (CRC)
- As of June 2022, IBS CRC has close to 7000 cases of which 2500 are in digital flipbook format. More than 900 B-schools from over 80 countries use the CRC cases, with about 90% of them from outside India (mostly from North America and Europe).
- IBS CRC has seven of its authors featuring in The Case Centre's (UK-based world's largest repository of case studies) Top 50 Bestselling Case Authors' List for 2020-21. This is next only to Harvard Business School with nine authors. The Top Three bestselling authors are from IBS CRC. Other authors in the Top 50 list include professors from Harvard, INSEAD, IMD, Stanford, etc. In 2021, The Case Centre has recognized CRC as a Centre of Excellence in case study research, writing and production.
- During the last five years IBS Faculty Members have published 1300 research papers in various reputed international and national referred journals of which 87 were in A*/A journals listed in Australian Business Deans Council and 322 were in Scopus listed journals.
- They also presented 34 papers in International Conferences and 416 papers in national conferences.
- CRC distributes its case studies through the two websites : and
Research & Journals
Faculty Members of IFHE are consulting editors of the following journals
- Managing Sustainable Business- An Executive Education Case and Textbook, Lenssen, Gilbert G., Smith, N. Craig, Spinger
- Crafting & Executing Strategy, Arthur Thompson, Margaret Peteraf, John Gamble, A. J. Strickland III, McGraw Hills Education, 21st Edition 2019
- Business Creativity and Innovation, Leonard Alan Ferman, Cognella Inc , August 2018
- Cultural Influences on Global Marketing ,Constantine Polychroniou, Cognella Inc, August 2018
- Understanding Retirement Planning, Heather Castle, Cognella Inc, Sep 2018
- Acting Strategically, Thinking Critically: Concepts, Cases, and Tools for Business Students, Michael J. Merenda, Cognella Inc, Nov 2018
- A Guide to Problem Solving and Creativity, Ben Martz and Jim Hughes, Cognella, Inc, 2017
- Strategy: An International Perspective, 6th edition, Bob de Wit, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2017
- International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases, 9th edition, Helen Deresky, Pearson, USA, 2017
- Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases, 12th edition, Arthur Hitt Ireland Hoskisson, Cengage Learning, USA, 2015
- Strategic Management and Business Analysis, 2nd edition, Dr Wyn Jenkins and Professor David Williamson, Routledge, 2015
- Organization Theory and Design, 12th edition, Richard L. Daft, 2nd edition, Cengage Learning/Nelson Education, 2015.
- Business Management for the IB Diploma, Peter Stimpson and Alex Smith, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
- Strategy: Process, Content, Context, 5th edition, B De Wit, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2014.
- What's the Story? The Art of Writing and Communication, Beth Jannery and Daniel Walsch, Cognella, Inc, 2014.
- International Management: Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Helen Deresky, Pearson, 8th edition, 2014, USA
- Ethical Decision Making, Carolyn Ashe (ed), Cognella, Inc., Preliminary edition, 2013, USA.
- Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Theory & Cases, 11th edition, Hill/Jones, Cengage Learning, 2013.
- Case Studies in Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, The Oikos Collection Volume III, 2013.
- Introduction to Business, Lesley Le Meunier-FitzHugh, 5th edition, Pearson UK Custom Book, 2013.
- Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Theory & Cases, Charles Hill, Gareth Jones, Melissa Schilling, 11th edition, Cengage Learning, 2013.
- Strategy: Process, Content, Context, Bod de Wit and Ron Meyer, 5th edition, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2013.
- Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts and Cases, Thompson, Peteraf, Gamble and Strickland, McGraw-Hill/ Irwin, 18th edition, 2011.
- Cases in Social Entrepreneurship and Sustainability, Volume 2, JostHamschmidt, Michael Pirson, Greenleaf Publishing, 2011
- Strategy: Process, Content, Context, 4th edition, Bob de Wit and Ron Meyer, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010.
- International Marketing, 3rd edition, Pervez Ghauri and Philip Cateora, McGraw- Hill Education, U.K., March, 2010.
- Strategic Management 10th edition, John Pearce, Richard Robinson, McGraw-Hill's publication, 2010.
- Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility, Paul Griseri, Nina Seppala, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2010.
- Multinational Management, 5th edition, Cullen and Parboteeah, Cengage Learning, Inc./Nelson Education Ltd, 2010.
- Strategic Management Formulation, Implementation, & Control, 12th edition, Pearce & Robinson, McGraw-Hill / Irwin, January 2010.
- Strategic Management, Carpenter, Rice, Pearson Australia, 2010.
- Strategic Information Systems Management, Kevin Grant, Ray Hackney, and David Edgar, 1st edition, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2009.
- Cases in Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach, 9th edition, Charles W.L. Hill, Gareth R. Jones, Cengage Learning, Inc. Nelson Education Ltd, 2009.
- Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage, 3rd edition, Barney-Hesterly, Prentice Hall, 2009.
- International Strategy, Susan Segal-Horn and David Faulkner, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2009.
- Strategic Management Competitiveness and Globalization: Concepts and Cases, 7th edition, Hitt, Ireland, -Hoskisson, Thomson Southwestern, 2007.
- Foundations of Marketing, 8th edition, Dale Beckman, John Rigby, Thomson Nelson, Canada, 2003
- Strategy: An International Perspective, 7th Edition, B De Wit,Cengage Learning EMEA, 2020
- Crafting and Executing Strategy: Concepts, 23rd Edition, Arthur Thompson and Margaret Peteraf and John Gamble and A. Strickland, McGraw-Hill Education; 2022
Sl.No | Name of the Journal | Consulting Editor | Editorial Board |
1 |
The IUP Journal of Applied Economics |
T Koti Reddy |
School of Economics, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad
Vice-Chancellor, IFHE, Hyderabad
Chair Person, Madras Institute of Development Studies, Chennai
Chairman, Centre for Economic and Social Studies, Hyderabad
Director and Vice-Chancellor, IGIDR, Mumbai |
2 |
The IUP Journal of Applied Finance |
G P Girish |
Former Member, Planning Commission, Government of India
Former Director, UTI Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai
Professor (Finance and Control), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Professor of Finance, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
Retired Professor,
CEO, GMR Varalakshmi Foundation |
3 |
The IUP Journal of Accounting Research and Audit Practices |
P Bhanu Sireesha |
Director, Banking and Finance Unit, School of Business, Monash University, Malaysia
Professor (Accounting and Finance), Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar
Associate Professor (Finance and Control), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Professor and Director, Indian Institute of Capital Markets, Mumbai
Professor (Finance and Control), Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Professor of Finance, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore |
4 |
The IUP Journal of Bank Management |
Vighneswara Swamy |
Professor of Economics and Dean, Faculty of Arts, Jadavpur University, Kolkata
Professor of Finance, School of Business Administration, Philadelphia University, USA
Currently, Chair Professor, GITAM Institute of Foreign Trade, Visakhapatnam, India. Former Director, National Institute of Bank Management, Pune, India
Philip R McDonald Chair and Professor of Finance, D’Amore-McKim School of Business |
5 |
The IUP Journal of Financial Risk Management |
Ranajee |
Associate Professor of Finance, Bentley College Boston, USA
Associate Professor in Finance, Euromed Management, France
Chief Economist, Multi Commodity Exchange of India, Mumbai
Associate Professor of Finance, Whitman School of Management, Syracuse University, New York, USA |
6 |
The IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior |
Prerna Chhetri |
Visiting Professor, Institute of Public Policy, National Law School of India University.
Professor & Dean, School of Management & Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences
Professor of Organizational Behaviour, Faculty of Management Studies, University of Delhi, Delhi, India
Chairman, T V Rao Learning Systems Pvt. Ltd & Adjunct Professor, IIM, Ahmedabad, India
Professor, Academic Group, Organizational Behavior, Indian Institute of Management Calcutta, India |
7 |
The IUP Journal of Management Research |
Radha Mohan Chebolu |
IAE Aix Graduate School of Management, Aix-Marseille University, France
Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation
Director, DBA Program, St. Ambrose University, Iowa, USA
Dean, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Hobbs/Brown Chair of Business & Economics and Professor of Management, University of Missouri, Columbia Missouri, USA |
8 |
Case Folio - The IUP Journal for Management Case Studies |
A V Vedpuriswar |
North Carolina A&T State University, USA
University of North Florida, Florida, USA
Washington and Lee University, Virginia, USA
London Business School, London, UK
Saint Mary’s College of California, USA
University of Missouri at Kansas City, USA
Ex-IIMB/ XIME, Bangalore, India
Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Gordon Institute of Business Science, Johannesburg, South Africa
Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, Manchester, UK
SDA Bocconi, Milan, Italy
University of Denver, Colorado, USA |
9 |
The IUP Journal of Corporate Governance |
A. Kranthi Kumar |
Business and Information Systems Department
Managing Director
Strategic Management Area, Indian Institute of Management, Ranchi, India
Professor & Dean, School of Business and Entrepreneurship, American University of Nigeria, Yola, Nigeria |
10 |
The IUP Journal of Soft Skills |
M. Showry |
Proctor & Co-Chair, Placement Guidance & Advisory Bureau, University of Hyderabad, Hyderabad, India
Professor, Faculty of Organizational Behaviour, XLRI, Jamshedpur, India
Global Strategic Consultant, ACORE Group, Dubai, UAE
Practice Leader, Tata Management Training Centre, Pune, India |
11 |
The HRM Review |
Ashok Kumar |
12 |
The IUP Journal of Business Strategy |
Venu Gopal Rao |
Associate Professor (Marketing),
Professor Corporate Strategy and Policy, IIM Bangalore, India
Vice President & Group Head, HR
Assistant Professor (Strategic Management), IIM Calcutta, India
Associate Dean, Professor and Director, Global Management Center, California State University, San Bernadino, USA |
13 |
The IUP Journal of Operations Management |
Samyadip Chakraborty |
Professor, Department of Operational Research, Faculty of Mathematical Sciences, University of Delhi, India
Associate Professor (Operations Management Group), Shailesh J Mehta School of Management, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
Professor (Operations Management) & Dean (Planning and Development), Indian Institute of Management, Kashipur, India |
14 |
The IUP Journal of Knowledge Management |
Nasina Jigeesh |
Professor, Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Sonora, México
Product Specialist – Analytics and Actuarial, Tata Consultancy Services, Hyderabad
Professor of Computer and Information Sciences, and Engineering, University of Florida, USA |
The IUP Journal of Supply Chain Management |
Nikhat Afshan |
Director, Indian Institute of Management, Trichy
Professor, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Sofia, Bulgaria
Director, Institutional Effectiveness (Quality Assurance), University of Jazeera, Dubai, UAE
Senior Director, Supply Chain – Head of Logistics, Central Planning and Corporate Sourcing, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories, Hyderabad
Director, Global Institute for IT Management (GIIM), Mumbai |
Sl.No |
Journal |
Author |
Title |
1 |
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services |
Shiv Ratan Agrawal, Divya Mittal |
Optimizing customer engagement content strategy in retail and E-tail: Available on online product review videos |
2 |
Disaster |
Lagesh M.A |
Flood-induced vulnerability of a below sea level farming system in southern India: an assessment through coping strategy intensity |
3 |
Computers & Industrial Engineering |
Md. TanweerAhmad, Mohammad Firouz, and SandeepMondal |
Robust supplier-selection and order-allocation in two-echelon supply networks: A parametric tolerance design approach |
4 |
Leisure Sciences: An Interdisciplinary Journal |
Vikas Gautam |
Examining Relationships among Festival Satisfaction, Place Attachment, Emotional Experience, and Destination Loyalty |
5 |
International Journal of Managerial Finance |
Ranjan DasGupta, Satish Kumar, Rajesh Pathak |
Multinational enterprises’ internationalization and adoption of sustainable development goals |
6 |
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal |
Debajani Sahoo and Vijayudu Gnanamkonda |
Entrepreneurial Attitude and Engagement among Women: An Empirical Study of Emerging Economy |
7 |
Sangram Keshari Jenaa , Aruna Kumar Dashb , Amarnath Mitrac and Aviral Kumar Tiwari |
Analysing the impact of FDI and globalization on tourism development |
8 |
Journal of Public Affairs |
Geeta Singh, Satish Kumar, Sedidi Vijayalakshmi, Kaushik Bhattacharjee |
Does share-holding pattern affect firm performance? Evidence from India |
9 |
Resources Policy |
Satish Kumar |
Speed of adjustment in energy and metal prices: Evidence from India |
10 |
Annals of Operations Research |
Aviral Kumar Tiwari, Sangram Keshari Jena, Satish Kumar, Erik Hille |
Is oil price risk systemic to sectoral equity markets of an oil importing country? Evidence from a dependence-switching copula delta CoVaR approach |
11 |
VINEJournalofInformation and Knowledge Management Systems |
Sudeepta Pradhan, Makhmoor Bashir, Sweta Singh |
The impact of a pandemic on knowledge sharing behavior: a COR perspective |
12 |
Journal of Environmental Management |
Rathore, P., Chakraborty, S., Gupta, M., Sarmah, S.P. |
Towards a sustainable organic waste supply chain: A comparison of centralized and decentralized systems |
13 |
International Journal of Social Economics |
Asha Binu Raj, Akbar Jan N., Subramani A.K. |
Building corporate reputation through corporate social responsibility: the mediation role of employer branding |
14 |
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal |
Anita C Raman, Sashikala Parimi, & Vishal Roy. |
Effect of High Frequency Trading: A Study on Market Returns of NSE India |
15 |
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal |
Vijaya Lakshmi,Debajani Sahoo,Achyut Telang |
SHE TEAMS’ Brand Awareness and Effectiveness for Women’s Safety: An Empirical Study in Hyderabad |
16 |
Journal of Cleaner Production |
N.Narsa Goud |
Corporate governance: Does it matter management of carbon emission performance? An empirical analyses of Indian companies |
17 |
Benchmarking: An International Journal |
Nishit Kumar Srivastava, Namrata Chatterjee, A.K. Subramani, N. Akbar Jan, Pankaj Kumar Singh |
Is health consciousness and perceived privacy protection critical to use wearable health devices? Extending the model of goal-directed behavior |
18 |
International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management |
Ajith Tom James,Girish Kumar,Adnan Qayyum,Mohammad Asjad Khan, |
Maintenance 4.0: implementation challenges and its analysis |
19 |
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment |
1. Ajith Tom James , Girish Kumar, Mohammad Asjad, Vipin Chandra Shukla, Vedpal Arya |
Analyzing barriers for implementing new vehicle scrap policy in India |
20 |
Personnel Review |
Narbariya, Sonalia , Mohammad Abdul Nayeem and Ritu Gupta |
Does HPWS amplify employees' change readiness for digital transformation? A study through the “work-from-anywhere” prism |
21 |
Academy of Marketing Studies Journal |
Mustafizul Haque, Md Wasim Akhtar, Renu Bala and Md Sikandar Azam |
Impact of Green Marketing on market performance in rural India |
22 |
Marketing Intelligence & Planning |
Ramendra Pratap Singh |
Role of celebrity credibility on banking service providers |
23 |
Meditari Accountancy Research |
Satish Kumar and Geeta Singh |
Does mandatory CSR expenditure regulation matter to promoters? Empirical evidence from India |
24 |
International Journal of manpower |
Saha, Surajit., Das, R., Lim, W.M., Kumar, S., Malik, A. and Chillakuri, B |
Emotional intelligence and leadership: insights for leading by feeling in the future of work |
25 |
Applied Finance Letters |
Srikanth Potharla, Hiranya Dissanayake, Balachandram Amirishetty |
CSR Spending in India: Exploring the Linkages with Business Group Affiliation and Product Portfolio Diversification |
26 |
International Journal of Social Economics |
Debadutta Kumar Panda,Kaushik Bhattacharje,Sankarshan Basu,Debmallya Chatterjeee, |
Survival and sustenance strategy of primary agricultural cooperative credit societies in India: a fuzzy interpretive structural modelling approach |